Monday, December 28, 2009

Uterine Fibroid Size Fibroid The Size Of A Ping Pong Ball?

Fibroid the size of a ping pong ball? - uterine fibroid size

I found that I have a uterine size of a ping-pong in my stomach. It is so big or how big is what you get? How great it is before they have to be removed? My doctor told me that it should pose no problems. I also have an ovarian cyst. I do not know what to wait the cause of my pain, but I want six weeks for an ultrasound to see if the cyst disappears, but I do not know if I can for another six weeks to take advantage.

1 comment:

  1. Since you already have a doctor, I suggest you give him advice. However, so try to learn more about fibroids, so you know what it does and how to deal with it. Here is an article that is in a position to ease the pain you are now, perhaps. ...
