Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hodgkins Lymphoma More Condition_symptoms Non Hodgkins Lymphoma: What Is It And What Is The Prognosis Of Someone With Someone In Stage 4?

Non Hodgkins Lymphoma: What is it and what is the prognosis of someone with someone in stage 4? - hodgkins lymphoma more condition_symptoms

My sister was 4 on a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma stage She goes to therapy on Monday and want to learn more about this disease and what are their chances. She is 50 years.
Please any information would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. This cancer causes abnormal white blood cells (lymphocytes) in the lymphatic system moving. The lymphatic system is a network of pipelines across the chest with small quantities of tubes in the extremities. This cancer causes tumors randomly somewhere in the lymphatic system develop. Given the prevalence of lymph vessels and nodes in the trunk, are the tumors, especially in the region. Tumors can develop in many organs - lungs, liver and intestines are common.

    In stage 4 tumors developed in any of the facilities. That makes it somewhat difficult to target the tumor, because the types of chemotherapy is effective for tumors of the lymphatic system is not necessarily the best drug for the treatment of tumors in any organ in particular and obligations riskier or treatments are sometimes necessary, to cancer in several locations to attack. This means that the treatment more difficult for patients.

    With this type of cancer, side effects of chemotherapy are often severe. The documents must sometimes literally to the patientChemotherapy, as they can, without killing the patient. Patients must usually at least two chemotherapy sessions at the call of cancer in remission.

    If your sister is responding well to one or two first, then look very good. Probably will be closely monitored for several years to determine whether the recurrence of cancer cells. Often the cancer has returned after a few years and a further cycle of chemotherapy is necessary.

    Sometimes there is a very important decision to make - whether with a bone marrow transplant or not. This decision is crucial - it's all or nothing - kills cancer cells, but sometimes kills the patient because the immune system must be completely closed for one or two weeks. Find out all you options on.
