Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Liver Spots More Condition_symptoms Is It Possible To Get Rid Of LIVER SPOTS?

Is it possible to get rid of LIVER SPOTS? - liver spots more condition_symptoms

Recently I have noticed they have this room in the back of my ear and my mother told me it was a place of the liver. She also told me that I drink a lot of Coke and Sprite. So you can have to be able, if so, how?

1 comment:

  1. One side of the liver, which is also known as solar lentigines, or age spot like a giant mole. They are characterized by the effect caused by sunlight and have nothing to do with the liver or the consumption of soft drinks.
    http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/ ...

    There is no easy way to get rid of small spots chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser) treatment or cryotherapy (freezing. You can try a cream, but be careful about the use of hydroquinone. It was banned in some countries.
    http://dermnetnz.org/lesions/freckles.ht ...

    You need to use high SPF sunscreen every day. If you wear a hat for more missing. Exposure to the sun, or go to a solarium, causes cancer of the skin, age spots and wrinkles.

    If it really bothers you, you show it to your doctor and ask how to get rid of him. Even if you decide you do not mind, show your doctor during the next review.
