Thursday, February 4, 2010

Does Salt Water Helps To Free A Tight Throat How Do Free Ions Conduct Electricity In Water?

How do free ions conduct electricity in water? - does salt water helps to free a tight throat

I learned a glass of distilled water could conduct electricity because there are no free ions in the water. But it can be when salt is dissolved. This is because the sodium and chloride ions allow the flow of electrons through them.
Logical - ions can help move the electrons, but I can not understand how the ions can generate the flow.
Thank you in advance ~


  1. What happens is that negative ions give (in this case, chloride ions) travel in the positive electrode, and each one electron, as well as negative. Positive ions (in this case, sodium ions) travel in the negative electrode (cathode) and take away electrons from it. Since both processes occur simultaneously, the overall effect on the track the movement of electrons between the anode and cathode, which means that the electricity is underway.

    You may be interested in knowledge of the process, the solution is electrolysis, which produces chlorine and sodium, and finally the solution is not more to do (it is ionized, which is a state as distilled)

  2. Because of their migration. As Cl-anions migrate towards the anode, while Na + cations during their migration to the cathode. Meanwhile, in the external circuit, it sends the source of electrons to the cathode, the electrons through the external circuit to the anode. In solution, the Cl-ions transfer their electrons to the anode and the Cl2 gas. The Na +-ions can not form metal Na in the water, so that when the Na + ions reach the cathode, the electrons from the cathode, H2O and H2 increased emissions.
