Saturday, January 23, 2010

Abnormal Cells Smear Pap Smear Came Back With Abnormal Cells?

Pap smear came back with abnormal cells? - abnormal cells smear

I said after the results of my Pap test came back that I had abnormal cells, but lower quality? I know I could be a false alarm, but I'm afraid. I have a couple of weeks to provide further tests. Does this happen to anyone, and what was the outcome? What should he say? Thank you.


  1. This happened a few years ago, when I 19 ... This has in the 2 after a Pap smear and biopsy of the cervix (which was not funny), I had cervical dysplasia ... Stage 1 (early-stage and lighting that can point to cancer of the cervix, if left untreated) ... the case was HPV (Human Papillomavirus) ... So my gynecologist told me a few weeks later than cryotherapy ... Dry ice is .... is something to kill a tank of oxygen tube in my vagina and my tank of frozen cells of the cervix for abnormal ... which lasted about 10 minutes .. ... a little less. and you are awake and conscious in the process ... and yes it hurts ... to feel very bad cramps (not enough to mourn, depending on how much pain can you take and block it from his mind, which is temporary, but it hurts) ... My gynecologist suggested I, 800 mg before IBproufen ... and I ... but still. Then, after I go a few months later for another pap to ensure that all abnormal cells, which was ... and it turns out that if ... Cryotherapy as useful ... with a vagina Topicsl medicine (remember the name) ... After treatment for cervical dysplasia and HPV ... I started going to my gynecologist for Gardisil received ... HPV vaccine ... (which is a series of 3 shots is ...) and so far so good ... Only during a routine checkup once a year again ... I wish him much happiness and it's just a false alarm. .. If you have any questions or concerns ... email me ...

  2. It happened to me and tried again, and everything is back to normal:)
    Sometimes there are things change!

  3. It happened to me and tried again, and everything is back to normal:)
    Sometimes there are things change!

  4. It happened to me and tried again, and everything is back to normal:)
    Sometimes there are things change!

  5. It happened to me and tried again, and everything is back to normal:)
    Sometimes there are things change!

  6. I had that was too much, and half the time, just a laboratory error. because I left the country, studying abroad and I had a biopsy tissue were negative. This could mean that all the viruses, but rarely does youth cancer. I come from Paris, is a laboratory error.

  7. What happened to me - once when I was 18th They have a biopsy, which is painless. He got along well. Then, when I 25-times more abnormal cells. He ended up as something and have frozen cells - Cyro process. But one can not be started, the latter immediately panic, but in his head (I know). Take it as it is and pray there. He listens. I hope that proves nothing. Good luck to you.

  8. What happened to me - once when I was 18th They have a biopsy, which is painless. He got along well. Then, when I 25-times more abnormal cells. He ended up as something and have frozen cells - Cyro process. But one can not be started, the latter immediately panic, but in his head (I know). Take it as it is and pray there. He listens. I hope that proves nothing. Good luck to you.
